We’re ready to support you in prayer

Prayer changes lives.

Positive prayer affirms the good we desire, connects us to the source of inspiration and wisdom, and provides a sense of hope and meaning to our lives. We invite you to the healing and prospering power of prayer through services provided by our Prayer Ministry. When you reach out to us, you enlist the support of a team that knows the Truth for you and acknowledges God's presence in all aspects of your life. You may call The Unity Center office (858-689-6500) with your prayer request or submit a prayer request by clicking on the button below.  After one week your prayer request will be sent to Silent Unity at Unity Worldwide Headquarters for an additional 30 days of prayer support.

Join us in May’s prayer

We Are Family

In this very moment, we breathe mindfully and deeply, opening our hearts and minds to the realization that we are all connected.  We are part of one human family.  Using our own unique talents and skills, we express generous love.  With our compassionate words and actions, we create lasting harmony.  We envision that all of our brothers and sisters claim their own divine expression and raise their voices to join the chorus for peace, justice, and healing.  And so it is.

(from The Prayer Ministry of The Unity Center).